Last month, Dave got a parking ticket. It was for having a for sale sign in the window of his car when it was parked at the commuter lot. It said you can't park a car there for the purpose of selling it. Well I told Dave I would contest it because he parks there for the purpose of commuting not for selling the car. After waiting a month for the court date, I had my date in court yesterday. I went a little early so that I would find the right place and be able to check it out. It was really freaking me out sitting there. There was a lot of different things that the judge was ruling on. A few people got sentences and got taken away. A lot got continuances and a new court date. This went on for about an hour. I was starting to wonder if I was in the right courtroom because it wasn't all traffic tickets. Finally the judge opened a new file and started the traffic violations. The ticketing officer would stand up and the judge would ask him/her about the incident with the person. There was several that went before me with fines and dismissals if they paid court costs. Finally he called my name. I was sitting on the far side of the court room and had to climb over people to get to the front podium, which was one the other side. The bailiff told me to "Put your purse on the floor and your feet right here." The ticketing officer stood up (or I should say the meter maid.) The judge asked if she had an incident with me. She said no, she had ticketed the car. At that time I relaxed because the judge basically rolled his eyes and told her to tell him about it. She said she had ticketed the car because it had a For Sale sign in the window and the commuter lot had a sign that said you can't park for the purpose of selling a car. The judge turned to me and asked if I wanted to testify. I said yes and he put me under oath. Then asked me my story. I said,"My husband parks in the commuter lot everyday to catch mass transit to go to the Pentagon." Judge said," Did you have a for sale sign in the car?" I said,"yes". He asked, "Did you keep the For sale sign in the car?" I said "No not after we got the ticket." Judge said, " Case dismissed, you're free to go, goodbye!" I said, 'Thank you, sir" And that was my day in Court!!!!!!!