Friday, September 17, 2010

The big E's CC meet

The big E had a CC meet at home yesterday. Bottomless and I got there just as the girls started their race. I was frantically calling HH to see if he was going to make it but couldn't get a hold of him. So the big E's race started and he was doing great. After we saw him go by us we moved over to the finish line so we could see him finish up the race. Bottomless yelled there he is about 50 yards out and then as I see him I hear HH voice behind me cheering him on, so he made it to see the big E finish a great race. The first 7th grader(from his school) to cross the finish line. Wish I had a picture.


  1. The name choices are funny... but what does HH stand for. I know who it stands for, but not what... Call me, we need to design this blog!

  2. Great job at the race, big E!! I love the names!!
