Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bryan's quilt

OK, Kaylee had been talking to me about Bryan never getting a baby quilt from me. She also mentioned that she had bits and pieces from her baby quilt I made her that she used until she was a teenager. Dave used to tease her and try to hide it from her. She wanted to use a piece of her quilt in a quilt for Bryan (and Jesse and Malaya if there is enough.) So I decided to make him an "I spy" quilt. His birthday is right before Christmas so I was hoping to make it for that. But with all the Christmas projects that didn't happen. Then I thought I could get it done so that Matt could take it when he visited, but that didn't happen. So I finally got it sent off in the mail today. So don't look Kaylee if you want it to be a surprise!!

These are the blocks. I'm trying to get the layout so that there are no two of the same fabrics on the outside. And do you see the empty space kind of in the middle? It was waiting for the special piece of baby quilt from Kaylee.

Here it is.

And here is the finished quilt.

While I was making it, I was a bit frustrated because I was trying to hurry so fast to get it done that I didn't think it was going to turn out very well. But as I was finishing up the quilting I fell in love with it. It was hard sending it away. All the blocks are different and purposely sewed wonky.

These two pictures show you the quilting. I did it all on my home sewing machine. My shoulders got a big workout shoving this big quilt though. When I washed it it crinkled up nicely. The border is a dark gray. I sewed it with 6 or 7 straight lines. And the back is a solid light gray. And the binding is red with a tiny navy dot.

This is a list of everything on the quilt so that Bryan can find everything.
Now I am on to more projects. I am in the middle of two quilts this week. 


  1. I love it and I know Bryan's gonna love it too!!! I can't wait to get it!

  2. It's SO CUTE!!!! We want a quilt!!!!!

  3. This is so cute!! When I start having kids do they get baby quilts even tho I'm a niece?!
