Friday, January 18, 2013

Random stuff

Hi everyone. I wanted to show you the quilt I made for Matt. He didn't get it on Christmas, but I finally got it to him a couple of weeks late.

 It is a block that is named snail's tail. I started these blocks along time ago. I cut out all the black and gray patterned fabric and some of the gray solid. I didn't have enough solid gray so I stopped making them, because I couldn't match the solid. So it sat. Then I was trying to decide what to make for Matt and found these blocks again.  I decided not to worry about matching and finished as many blocks as I could. I used up every bit of patterned fabric that I could to make this many blocks. I didn't think it was long enough, so I made the checkerboard borders to lengthen it. It is still only a lap quilt for Matt!! Ha Ha.
 This is the back. And then a close up of my straight line quilting. I am already getting tired of only straight line quilting. I think I will experiment next time with some gentle curves.
And here is a picture of my dad with his quilt.
 These are some pictures of when Rachelle, Jackson and Jacob were here. They got to open a present.
 Dave and I opening our wonderful picture of all our grandkids together even though they weren't ever together.
And Rachelle reading the first book with Curious George in it to Jax and Jake. (you know what a fan Dave is of Curious George.)  I'm glad they got to visit. I wish more of you could come visit.

And here is Ethan's haircut. He took a picture of Brandon Flowers of the Killers as an example. So that is all the randomness for today. My new projects coming soon.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. LOVE that quilt for Matt!! It's gorgeous!! I don't know how you do it. I don't think I'll ever have enough patience to make so many quilts! I'm glad you like your picture of the grandkids!! I was really worried about it looking good! I wish we could've visited! We miss you!

  2. Great quilt. Very manly. So glad we coulde visit too!
