Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scary Monday, Exciting Tuesday, Productive Wednesday

Sometimes this blogging thing is hard. OK enough whining.
Scary Monday----
We were driving on the freeway coming back from a beautiful drive along the river, picnic lunch, then a drive through the state park looking at the changing leaves, when an 18 wheeler threw a 2 by 4 into our windshield. Everyone is OK, but it was scary. Luckily it hit just right and only cracked the windshield and dented the top by the passenger door. We are definitely counting our blessings. It could have been a lot worse. Here are some pictures.

Exciting Tuesday-----
Dave got his cast off and is feeling free! The scar is about 4 inches long and still healing. He is in a walking brace for about 3 to 4 weeks, but he can wear a boot and drive his truck and get around much easier. Unfortunately I realized I did not take any pictures of his cast.

Productive Wednesday----------
Yesterday I was busy with Dave and then the car's new windshield installation, but today I got all the laundry done, then went over to Chris' to quilt this quilt. Now all I have to do is make the binding and sew it on. Very productive!

 And here is a picture of Ethan recording a song.
Have a wonderful day and I hope it doesn't take me as long to post the next time.