Thursday, November 11, 2010

The creative space!

I have been working hard on some projects, but haven't had a lot of pictures, so in the interim here are a few of my sewing space. It is in the corner of the family room between the computer and the TV.

It is really messy because there are so many projects going on. Can you see the sticky notes on the top of the bookcase (that I got at a garage sale for $5, btw)? Those are the lists of everything I have in progress. And I have many more in my head. The white felt hanging on the back wall is my design wall. I hang my blocks up to see how the look and to work on the arrangement and keep them in order.

 This is a stack of tops and bottoms that are waiting to be quilted. On Tuesday I had my first lesson on Sally. More on that later, waiting on pictures.

This is the start of my stash of fabric. Not a lot but it's growing.
And last but not least is a sneak peak of the quilt I made for Grandma Peggy for her 80th birthday. I actually finished it Monday night, but don't have a picture yet.

Enjoy Life.


  1. Wow, and I thought my scrapbooking table looked bad! Hehe:) I get my disorganization skills from you, Mom. LOL

  2. Mom, you are amazing! To be so organized in so much disorganization! I love it! Can't wait to see more pics of your projects!
