Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two finishes

Ok, I have a pile of finished quilt tops that have been yelling at me to "quilt and bind us" for awhile now. One was the Chocolate quilt that I made for Dave. I was going to quilt it on Sally (My friends long arm machine), but as I was crawling around on the floor pinning it together it was telling me to straight stitch it with my machine at home, so here it is........

Not a very good picture. Here is the back.....

The other on that I finished is called Round and Round. It was a quilt along on a blog called Crazy Mom Quilts. She would put up a section of instructions each week and we would have the week to finish up til the next part would be put up. They are fun. But sometimes I'd get behind. Or I would finish really fast and have to wait for the next instructions. Well enough explanation.

You can't see the colors very well but I love the blues and greens together. Here is the back. It is just blocks of a few of the fabrics from the front.

I did straight line quilting on this one also. Three lines in the cream fabric and I stitched in the ditch on the patchwork. This is one of my favorites. Have I said that about too many?
I have also been helping the SA branch sew some quilts they are making to donate. They are cutting 10'' squares and sewing 8X10 quilts. And I'm slowly working on my quilt camp quilt. Pictures of that soon. Have a wonderful day!


  1. That chocolate quilt is awesome! What do you think Dave? Maybe one of my favorites so far!

  2. Oooh!! So pretty! I love both of them! I love the colors on the second one too!

  3. Looks good! You are awesome at sewing!
