Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back to quilting and a correction and Ethan

First in regards to my last post, apparently my link was not ok with NBC. To understand my thoughts on Veganism you must watch the video on you tube. Go to you tube and search scott pilgrim vs the world. You want the one called Evil Ex Fight #3 Todd Ingram.

Now here are a few pictures of Ethan playing his new guitar.

Now back to quilting. As you know we have decided to retire next year and move to Sequim. Some of you are a bit skeptical if this will happen as planned. Well Dave told me he wanted a wall hanging with this saying on it and this is what I came up with.
Can you see that it says "Next year in Sequim"? It's got the mountains, our house and the ocean. And the sun because Sequim is in the rain shadow.
I am almost done with the blue and cream quilt that I was working on at Quilt camp. It wasn't big enough for our bed so I am adding another border. I am glad I had extra fabric.
More soon. Have a great day!


  1. Ethan is so grown up... I can't believe it... every picture I see he looks more and more like a missionary... minus the guitar! Awesome! Love the Sequim wall-hanging!

  2. Ok, I rented Scott Pilgrim vs the world last night. Got mixed reviews... Silvia left the room halfway through... Lew stayed, but hated it... Luis, Danny, and I were cracking up throughout. We determined that it is obviously targeted to a younger, video-game playing generation. It was one of those stupid movies that you can quote forever after you see it... like Napolean Dynamite or Kung Pow
