Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sewing Room

Hi everyone.

Dave and I finally went shopping for some furniture yesterday. Most of it has to come from the warehouse so we'll pick it up Tues. or Wed. But I got a killer deal on a counter height table that I am going to use in my sewing room as a cutting table. Love it. Here are pics of my whole sewing room so far. I might change up a few things.

The new table. It's great, no more back ache bending over.

My sewing table with the design wall beside it. Those are temporary curtains. I am just trying to decide what to do on the windows.

The ironing board that is essential in quilting. Don't like it right in front of the bookcase but I like it close to the sewing machine.

Some of my stash of fabric. I have plastic bins in the closet too. Oh and my roll of batting I bought from Christine before moving! Enough for a few quilts I hope.

And my sewing view. I am working on getting a good deal on a walking foot. So I can get started. I decided after seeing Rachelle quilting on Liz's quilt I will piece quilt tops then send them to her to quilt on Chris's long arm. She is getting good.

So that is my sewing room.

Are these cute or what? Do you want one?

I have loved this fabric since I saw it. It is called Full Circle by Kathy Schmitz.  I took me awhile to find the right pattern to use with it. I finished it and Carol Burkhalter quilted it for me. She has a computerized long arm machine and did this all over meander with hearts. It was a great gift to me before I moved.

That's all I have for today. Enjoy your day.


  1. LOVE it Mom!! I'm so envious of your sewing room!! You should call it your Studio. It sounds so Elegant:) My sewing studio. Wouldn't that be so fun to say to people?:) lol

    I LOVE the way that quilt turned out! And those veggie and fruit pot holders. Is that what they are? I can't remember what you told me they are. LOL Good luck finding a deal on a walking foot. Do you need a special one for your machine or are all walking foots interchangeable? I have one if you want to use it for a little while.

  2. P.S. about the ironing board... can you move your cutting & sewing tables to the left a bit and fit the ironing board behind your sewing table. You'll want to have enough space so it won't bother having it behind you. But then it won't be in the way of the book case:)

  3. Thanks Mom! I love your sewing room! Wish I had one! We should do a project together when I come for Thanksgiving!
