Thursday, April 18, 2013

The new addition to the family and a nature lesson!

We have a sliding glass door off of the kitchen. We do not have a deck yet, so there is a wooden guard on the outside of the door so that nobody falls out and hurts themselves. A few days ago I noticed a nest being built between the door and the wood.

I found it fascinating watching the momma robin build the nest, but I was afraid if she laid eggs there it wouldn't work, because every time I walked by she would go flying off. So I walked around a lot to see if she would go and build her nest somewhere else. Didn't work. Monday about mid morning she was back. When I looked later when she was gone this is what I saw. But no momma bird.

 So I did a little research. Robins build their nest in about 2 days. The Momma Bird does most the work, but dad is around to scare off predators. Then she will lay one egg a day for about 4 days. Most birds lay their eggs in the early morning, but robins eat first and then lay the egg mid morning. Tuesday morning ---
A robin will lay the eggs, then leave. She will wait until all the eggs are there before she will sit on the nest so that they will all hatch at the same time. Wednesday morning ------

She was sitting on the nest this morning. I haven't noticed her leaving so I put up this cardboard so we can walk around without startling her every time.
A robin's egg will take about 12 to 14 days to hatch. Aren't they a pretty blue? Come back in a couple weeks for an update!

Enjoy your day.


  1. Wow! That is amazing!! And pretty cool! You learn something new everyday! :)

  2. How fun! Another lesson... don't ever touch an egg in a birds nest. The mother will reject an egg touched by a human! The Wegers have birds and one time they laid eggs and Silvia had to move them for some reason and after... the mama bird pushed them out of her nest and they broke on the ground. So sad... but we read up on it and I guess that's normal!
